Tools of the Trade for December 9, 2019

A Weekly List of Links and Resources for Pastors

In the last few days I found a substantial number of articles that are of help in pastoral work or are just good reading for you or your people. The list is long enough that I may cut it in half and share the rest on Wednesday.

Maybe you’ll be surprised by this, but sometimes pastors are the targets of criticism. I know, I know – hard to believe. HA HA. Tim Challies wrote about four kinds of critics and how to respond to them.

There was a time when it seemed that churches wanted to support missionaries in all parts of the world. But there’s merit in narrowing your focus. This article discusses having a partnership with a church from another country.

Costi Hinn writes about how expository preaching changed his church.

I find listening to an audio Bible a nice change for my own Bible reading on occasion, and when I was in ministry I would often listen to the entire book I was preaching several time. This article talks about the value of that practice.

Here is the list of the Gospel Coalition book awards for 2019. By the way, if you want to see where American Christianity is, try comparing a list from an organization like the Gospel Coalition to the list of Christian best sellers. It’s discouraging, but it will also enlighten you as to what your people may be reading.

Sinclair Ferguson writes about the “Defining Moment for the Doctrine of Christ.”

This article on appointing elders is of value to all pastors, but especially to you guys in smaller churches or church plants.

A worthly admonition for all of us: “Pastor, Build His Platform, Not Yours.”

Books are expensive, so the thought of subscribing to theological journals might be something you dismiss without a thought. However, the Gospel Coalition’s Themelios is free. Here’s a link to the latest and a table of contents.

Meanwhile, the new issue of Credo Magazine tackles the subject of universalism.

Here’s a short video by John Piper on the value of congregational singing.

Maybe it’s one of those Mondays where you wonder if preaching is making any difference in the lives of your people. Read this for some encouragement.

I’ll post several more links to some great resources on Wednesday. Have a good week as you serve God and his people!

Author: Peter Bogert

Married to Laura, with three adult children, 7 grandchildren. I’m an avid baseball fan, and I enjoy listening to audiobooks about military history, and reading Theology. I was ordained a Baptist pastor and served two churches over a 41 year period. After a three year hiatus I'm glad to be serving at Calvary Bible Fellowship Church in Coopersburg, PA. And I’m glad you stopped by!

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